Schedule and fees

Schedule and fees

Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 9:00 – 19:00, last entrance at 18:00.


Fee per daySubscription-minimum 7 days (fee/day/people)
AdultsSeniors*Children,pupils, students**AdultsSeniors*Children,pupils, students**
40 lei20 lei20 lei20 lei10 lei10 lei


Service fees - Recreation and parking, Turda Salt Mine

Visiting fee off schedule hours (minimum 50 adult people)
400 lei/hour
Requested guide fee.50 lei
Ghizela Mine visiting fee10 lei/pers
Professional photo/video fee (weddings, graduations etc.)1.000 lei/day or 200 lei/hour
Audio recording fee.450 lei/day
Commercial photo/video fee(videos, movies, magazines)minimum 1.200 euro
Bowling alley rental.(20 mins)15 lei/pers
Minigolf court rental.(20 mins)10 lei/pers
Panoramic Wheel/tour/8 min5 lei/pers
Sports court rental Rudolf Mine100 lei
Amphitheatre rental /1h:300 lei
Pool table rental/minute0,40 lei
Tennis table rental/30 minutes10 lei
Row boat rental on Terezia Mine Lake/ 20 min.(maximum 3 people)20 lei/boat
Parking fee for cars, busses, microbuses, motorbikes4 lei/hour

Fees include VAT

* Pensioners will present a pension card or an ID.

** Pupils and children will present a valid student card

*** Children: aged 3–18

  • Children under 3yo have free entry.
  • Organised groups of minimum 20 people benefit from a guide for free, provided they have previous programming and within the limits of the available staff.
  • For organised groups of over 10 people, every 11th paying person will receive a free entry voucher (payment must be registered on the same receipt).
  • Disabled children, as well as their attendant will benefit from free entrance, based on supporting documents.
  • Adults with first degree disability, as well as their attendant will benefit from free entrance based on supporting documents.
  • Adults with second degree disability, will benefit from same fee as pupils or students, based on suporting documents.
  • Certified guides will benefit from free entrance based on a written and approved request and the guide’s authorization.
  • Entry ticket= receipt and it allows 1 access/day.