

Access details

Entrance Salina Turda

Phone: 0371 302 337; 0364 260 940; 0364 260 941; 0264 311 690
Fax: 0364 260 968
Email: office[at]
Local transport: Linia 17

Important Information

  • Access for the people with neuromotor disabilities is made through the old entrance situated on Salinelor str. 54B (Turda Noua Neighbourhood). This category of tourists can visit the saltmine only at the level of Franz Josef Transport Gallery, Ghizela Stationary (treatment area), Joseph Mine (Echo Chamber - balcony), “Crivac” Chamber, Extraction Shaft Chamber, Registry Chamber (Altar and The Stairs of the Rich).
  • Access to the salt mine with pets or food consumption is forbidden.
  • People with cardiac affection will enter the Turda Salt Mine only with corresponding medical recommendation.
  • Access to the Turda salt mine for children under 3 and the people over 65 years of age is allowed only with a medical permit.
  • There is an ATM machine in the pavilion at the entrance to Turda Salt Mine, situated on Aleea Durgăului St., nr. 7
  • Access to the parking lot is ticket-based.


Online Tickets

Experience the show and the magic of Turda Salt Mine faster with the online ticket.


Why is Turda Salt Mine spectacular?

  • Turda Salt Mine is a unique place in the world.
  • You experience unique moments through the magical underground galleries.
  • Turda Salt Mine is a natural source of health and good luck.